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linkYunani : hari libur umum, penutupan perbankan, sekolah liburan

Yunani : jadwal lengkap hari libur umum, penutupan Bank dan Bursa saham, liburan sekolah, pameran dagang, budaya dan acara olahraga, Festival, Karnaval, pemilihan selama 3 bulan berikutnya

  • Mata Uang: Euro (EUR)
  • Penutupan Pasar Bursa (European banks TARGET):Tahun Baru, Hari Jumat Suci, hari Senin Paskah, tanggal 1 mei, Natal.
  • Akhir Pekan: Hari Sabtu dan Minggu
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  • TanggalNamaJenisLagi
    Hari Rabu 17 aprel, 2024Kesepakatan KeretaLiburan Sekuler
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    Hari Jumaat 26 aprel, 2024Libur Hari Paskah (permulaan)Hari libur sekolah, sebagai tambahan hari libur resmi bank (dapat bervariasi sesuai areanya)
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    Hari Jumaat 3 mei, 2024Wafat Yesus Kristus Ortodoks (biasanya, bank-bank tetap buka)Ortodoks
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    Hari Sabtu 4 mei, 2024Ortodoks Sabtu SuciOrtodoks
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    Hari Minggu 5 mei, 2024Paskah OrtodoksOrtodoks
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    Hari Senen 6 mei, 2024Hari Senen Paskah OrtodoksOrtodoks
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    Hari Selasa 7 mei, 2024Pesta PekerjaanLiburan Sekuler
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    Hari Minggu 12 mei, 2024Pesta Ibu-ibuKartu pos/Bunga
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    Hari Senen 13 mei, 2024Libur Hari Paskah (akhir)Hari libur sekolah, sebagai tambahan hari libur resmi bank (dapat bervariasi sesuai areanya)
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    Hari Khamis 23 mei, 2024Hari Nasional VlachsList of Exceptional Events
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    Hari Minggu 9 juni, 2024Pemilihan umum EropaPeristiwa luar biasa
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    Hari Minggu 16 juni, 2024Hari Bapa 'Kartu pos/Bunga
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    Hari Jumaat 21 juni, 2024Liburan Musim Panas (permulaan)Hari libur sekolah, sebagai tambahan hari libur resmi bank (dapat bervariasi sesuai areanya)
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    Hari Minggu 23 juni, 2024Ortodoks PentakostaLiburan Sekuler
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    Hari Senen 24 juni, 2024Hari Senen PantekostaOrtodoks
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    Hari Khamis 15 agustus, 2024Hari Raya Bunda Maria naik ke SurgaKatolik
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    Hari Senen 2 september, 2024Liburan Musim Panas (akhir)Hari libur sekolah, sebagai tambahan hari libur resmi bank (dapat bervariasi sesuai areanya)
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    Hari Khamis 5 september, 2024BP Ultimate Acropolis Rally YunanirAcara olahraga
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    Hari Minggu 27 oktober, 2024Waktu musim panas/waktu musim dinginPeristiwa luar biasa
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    Hari Senen 28 oktober, 2024Pesta OchiLiburan Sekuler
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    Kesepakatan Kereta

    Hari Rabu 17 aprel, 2024
    Liburan Sekuler : Following the catastrophic train accident in central Greece

    Libur Hari Paskah (permulaan)

    Hari Jumaat 26 aprel, 2024
    Liburan sekolah :

    Wafat Yesus Kristus Ortodoks (biasanya, bank-bank tetap buka)

    Hari Jumaat 3 mei, 2024
    Ortodoks : The bright red colored egg is the symbol of Easter (or Pascha) The eggs are colored on Holy Thursday after the Divine Liturgy. The Easter bread is taken to church on Saturday evening when a special sequence of services takes place: Midnight Office... After the service the clergy blesses the breads and eggs brought by the people and they take them home. The eggs are cracked after the midnight service and during the next days. One egg is cracked on the wall of the church (and this is the first egg eaten The ritual of cracking the eggs takes place before the Easter lunch. Each person selects his/her egg. Then people take turns tapping their egg against the eggs of others, and the person who ends up with the last unbroken egg is believed to have a year of May only be observed by the local Orthodox community. The ritual of cracking the eggs takes place before the Easter lunch. Each person selects his/her egg. Then people take turns tapping their egg against the eggs of others, and the person who ends up with the last unbroken egg is believed to have a year of

    Ortodoks Sabtu Suci

    Hari Sabtu 4 mei, 2024
    Ortodoks : Not a paid holiday

    Paskah Ortodoks

    Hari Minggu 5 mei, 2024
    Ortodoks : Paid holiday

    Hari Senen Paskah Ortodoks

    Hari Senen 6 mei, 2024
    Ortodoks : The bright red colored egg is the symbol of Easter(or Pascha).The eggs are colored on Holy Thursday after the Divine Liturgy.The Easter breads are a worldwide Orthodox tradition as well.This bread is taken to church on Saturday evening when a special sequence of services takes place:Midnight Office,Rush Procession,Matins & Divine Liturgy.After the service,the clergy blesses the breads and eggs brought by the people and they take them home.The eggs are cracked after the midnight service and during the next days.One egg takes place before the Easter lunch.Each person who ends up with the last unbroken egg is believed to have a year of good luck.The traditional Orthodox Paschal greeting is: Christ is Risen! . The answer is: Indeed He is Risen .

    Pesta Pekerjaan

    Hari Selasa 7 mei, 2024
    Liburan Sekuler :

    Pesta Ibu-ibu

    Hari Minggu 12 mei, 2024
    Kartu pos/Bunga : Mother’s day has evolved in many countries in different ways. This is because mother’s day has different origins in different countries and therefore occurs on different days in the year. One school of thought claims that this day emerged from the custom of mother worship in ancient Greece. Mother worship which kept a festival to Cybele, a great mother of gods, and Rhea, the wife of Cronus, was held on March 15 to March 18 around Asia Minor. They insist that this custom spread around the world. Mothering Sunday is the celebration of motherhood in the United Kingdom. It is also known as Mid-lent Sunday, Rose Sunday and Laetare Sunday. It originally comes from the Victorian practice of allowing servants to return home to visit their mothers on this day. In the United States, Julia Ward Howe (May 27, 1819 - October 17, 1910) was a prominent American abolitionist, social activist, and poet. Howe’s Battle Hymn of the Republic was first published in the Atlantic Monthly in 1862 and quickly became one of the most popular songs for the Union during the American Civil War. After the war she focused her activities on the causes of Pacifism and women’s suffrage. In 1870 she was the first to proclaim Mother’s Day, with her Mother’s Day Proclamation. U.S. President Woodrow Wilson approved Mother’s Day in 1914

    Libur Hari Paskah (akhir)

    Hari Senen 13 mei, 2024
    Liburan sekolah :

    Hari Nasional Vlachs

    Hari Khamis 23 mei, 2024
    Budaya :

    Pemilihan umum Eropa

    Hari Minggu 9 juni, 2024
    Peristiwa luar biasa :

    Hari Bapa '

    Hari Minggu 16 juni, 2024
    Kartu pos/Bunga :

    Liburan Musim Panas (permulaan)

    Hari Jumaat 21 juni, 2024
    Liburan sekolah :

    Ortodoks Pentakosta

    Hari Minggu 23 juni, 2024
    Liburan Sekuler : Paid holiday

    Hari Senen Pantekosta

    Hari Senen 24 juni, 2024
    Ortodoks : Di Cyprus, Kataklysma merupakan perayaan air pasang di kota-kota pinggir pantai.

    Hari Raya Bunda Maria naik ke Surga

    Hari Khamis 15 agustus, 2024
    Katolik : Dogma didefinisikan oleh Gereja Katolik pada tanggal 1 November 1950 Paus Pius XII menyatakan bahwa pada akhir hidupnya, tubuh dan jiwa Maria yang diangkat ke surga.

    Liburan Musim Panas (akhir)

    Hari Senen 2 september, 2024
    Liburan sekolah :

    BP Ultimate Acropolis Rally Yunanir

    Hari Khamis 5 september, 2024
    Acara olahraga : World Rally Championship - lasts 3 days - in Athens Junior WCR 2024 edition confirmed

    Waktu musim panas/waktu musim dingin

    Hari Minggu 27 oktober, 2024
    Peristiwa luar biasa : At 1:00 a.m. local times

    Pesta Ochi

    Hari Senen 28 oktober, 2024
    Liburan Sekuler : Obedience redusal to Mussolini in 1940 Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday
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