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linkKanada : hari libur umum, penutupan perbankan, sekolah liburan

Kanada : jadwal lengkap hari libur umum, penutupan Bank dan Bursa saham, liburan sekolah, pameran dagang, budaya dan acara olahraga, Festival, Karnaval, pemilihan selama 3 bulan berikutnya

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  • UNTUK MENTERJEMAHKAN KE DALAM BAHASA-BAHASA NEGARA INI: Bahasa Inggris 350 juta pembicara dalam 47 negara), Bahasa Perancis (150 juta pembicara di 30 negara), Bahasa-bahasa setempat ...
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  • TanggalNamaJenisLagi
    Hari Senen 1 aprel, 2024Hari Senen PaskahKartu pos/Bunga
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    Hari Senen 1 aprel, 2024April Mop hariKartu pos/Bunga
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    Hari Selasa 9 aprel, 2024Vimy Ridge DayList of Exceptional Events
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    Hari Rabu 10 aprel, 2024Akhir Ramadan (dapat berubah ke hari terdekat)Kartu pos/Bunga
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    Hari Minggu 28 aprel, 2024Hari DukaList of Exceptional Events
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    Hari Senen 29 aprel, 2024Paskah YahudirKartu pos/Bunga
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    Hari Khamis 9 mei, 2024Nasional hari doaKartu pos/Bunga
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    Hari Minggu 12 mei, 2024Pesta Ibu-ibuKartu pos/Bunga
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    Hari Senen 20 mei, 2024Daerah hari liburLiburan Sekuler
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    Hari Minggu 16 juni, 2024Hari Bapa 'Kartu pos/Bunga
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    Hari Jumaat 21 juni, 2024Hari Nasional AboriginList of Exceptional Events
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    Hari Senen 1 juli, 2024Hari KanadaPesta Nasional
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    Hari Senen 5 agustus, 2024Daerah hari liburLiburan Sekuler
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    Hari Minggu 11 agustus, 2024International Air & pameran air limbahrPerdagangan menunjukkan
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    Hari Khamis 15 agustus, 2024Hari Raya Bunda Maria naik ke SurgaKartu pos/Bunga
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    Hari Khamis 15 agustus, 2024Hari Nasional AcadianList of Exceptional Events
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    Hari Senen 2 september, 2024Pesta PekerjaanLiburan Sekuler
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    Hari Minggu 8 september, 2024Kakek-nenek hariKartu pos/Bunga
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    Hari Senen 30 september, 2024Penutupan bank-bankbank ditutup
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    Hari Khamis 3 oktober, 2024Rosh HashanahrKartu pos/Bunga
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    Hari Minggu 13 oktober, 2024Yom Kippur (bank-bank tutup)Kartu pos/Bunga
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    Hari Senen 14 oktober, 2024Hari Pernyataan Terima KasihLiburan Sekuler
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    Hari Khamis 31 oktober, 2024Hari Libur Oktober (Halloween)Kartu pos/Bunga
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    Hari Senen Paskah

    Hari Senen 1 aprel, 2024
    Kartu pos/Bunga :

    April Mop hari

    Hari Senen 1 aprel, 2024
    Kartu pos/Bunga : As the story goes, in 1564, France was one of the first nations to make January 1 officially New Year's Day, instead of the last week of March which was previously observed. In 1582, the Pope followed suit. Those who went on celebrating April 1st were mocked. As the zodiacal sign was the fish, The French placed dead fish on the backs of one another. Traditions vary from country to country.

    Vimy Ridge Day

    Hari Selasa 9 aprel, 2024
    Budaya : To honour and remember the Battle of Vimy Ridge which took place during the First World War at Vimy Ridge, France, in 1917. Wikipedia

    Akhir Ramadan (dapat berubah ke hari terdekat)

    Hari Rabu 10 aprel, 2024
    Kartu pos/Bunga : The month of Ramadan is that in which was revealed the Quran; a guidance for mankind, and clear proofs of the guidance, and the criterion (of right and wrong). And whosoever of you is present, let him fast the month, and whosoever of you is sick or on a journey, a number of other days. Allah desires for you ease; He desires not hardship for you; and that you should complete the period, and that you should magnify Allah for having guided you, and that perhaps you may be thankful [Wikipedia]

    Hari Duka

    Hari Minggu 28 aprel, 2024
    Budaya : The National Day of Mourning commemorates workers who have been injured, killed or suffer illness as a result of occupational accidents and hazards

    Paskah Yahudir

    Hari Senen 29 aprel, 2024
    Kartu pos/Bunga : Deliverance of the Jewish people from Egypt. The Seder service on the first two evenings recounts the story of the Exodus

    Nasional hari doa

    Hari Khamis 9 mei, 2024
    Kartu pos/Bunga : National Day of Honor for troops who contributed to Afghanistan mission

    Pesta Ibu-ibu

    Hari Minggu 12 mei, 2024
    Kartu pos/Bunga : Mother’s day has evolved in many countries in different ways. This is because mother’s day has different origins in different countries and therefore occurs on different days in the year. One school of thought claims that this day emerged from the custom of mother worship in ancient Greece. Mother worship which kept a festival to Cybele, a great mother of gods, and Rhea, the wife of Cronus, was held on March 15 to March 18 around Asia Minor. They insist that this custom spread around the world. Mothering Sunday is the celebration of motherhood in the United Kingdom. It is also known as Mid-lent Sunday, Rose Sunday and Laetare Sunday. It originally comes from the Victorian practice of allowing servants to return home to visit their mothers on this day. In the United States, Julia Ward Howe (May 27, 1819 - October 17, 1910) was a prominent American abolitionist, social activist, and poet. Howe’s Battle Hymn of the Republic was first published in the Atlantic Monthly in 1862 and quickly became one of the most popular songs for the Union during the American Civil War. After the war she focused her activities on the causes of Pacifism and women’s suffrage. In 1870 she was the first to proclaim Mother’s Day, with her Mother’s Day Proclamation. U.S. President Woodrow Wilson approved Mother’s Day in 1914

    Daerah hari libur

    Hari Senen 20 mei, 2024
    Liburan Sekuler : In tribute to Queen Victoria's birth in 1819 - In Quebec : Patriots' Day, commemorates the 1837-1838 rebellion against British monarchy only in Alberta - British Columbia - Labrador - Manitoba - Northwest Territories - Nunavut - Ontario - Quebec - Saskatchewan - Yukon

    Hari Bapa '

    Hari Minggu 16 juni, 2024
    Kartu pos/Bunga :

    Hari Nasional Aborigin

    Hari Jumaat 21 juni, 2024
    Budaya :

    Hari Kanada

    Hari Senen 1 juli, 2024
    Liburan Sekuler : Anniversary of the union of the Canadian provinces under one government, which took place in 1867 under the British North America Act Not a paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday

    Daerah hari libur

    Hari Senen 5 agustus, 2024
    Liburan Sekuler : Civic/state holiday - Civic holiday in Ontario, Saskatchewan and the North West Territories. - Natal Day in Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. - New Brunswick Day in New Brunswick. British Colombia Day in British Colombia. - Heritage Day in Alberta. NOT a holiday in Quebec, Yukon. NOT a holiday in Quebec, Yukon.

    International Air & pameran air limbahr

    Hari Minggu 11 agustus, 2024
    Perdagangan menunjukkan : Lasts 4 days - in Toronto 2024 edition CONFIRMED

    Hari Raya Bunda Maria naik ke Surga

    Hari Khamis 15 agustus, 2024
    Kartu pos/Bunga :

    Hari Nasional Acadian

    Hari Khamis 15 agustus, 2024
    Budaya :

    Pesta Pekerjaan

    Hari Senen 2 september, 2024
    Liburan Sekuler :

    Kakek-nenek hari

    Hari Minggu 8 september, 2024
    Kartu pos/Bunga : To honor grandparents, to give grandparents an opportunity to show love for their children's children, and to help children become aware of strength, information, and guidance older people can offer.

    Penutupan bank-bank

    Hari Senen 30 september, 2024
    bank ditutup : National Day for Truth and Reconciliation from 2021

    Rosh Hashanahr

    Hari Khamis 3 oktober, 2024
    Kartu pos/Bunga : Jewish New Year

    Yom Kippur (bank-bank tutup)

    Hari Minggu 13 oktober, 2024
    Kartu pos/Bunga :

    Hari Pernyataan Terima Kasih

    Hari Senen 14 oktober, 2024
    Liburan Sekuler : The first formal celebration was held by an English explorer, Martin Frobisher, who attempted to establish a settlement on Baffin Island, after failing to discover a northern passage to the Orient in 1576. The Pilgrims of Plymouth Rock held their Thanksgiving in 1621 as a three-day "thank you" celebration to the leaders of the Wampanoag Indian tribe and their families for teaching them the survival skills they needed to make it in the New World. Canada established the second Monday in October as a national holiday, "a day of general thanksgiving," in 1957.

    Hari Libur Oktober (Halloween)

    Hari Khamis 31 oktober, 2024
    Kartu pos/Bunga : Halloween originated from a Celtic festival called Samhain, which was celebrated 2,000 years ago and revolved around lighting bonfires and wearing costumes to ward off spirits and fairies— yes, Halloween began because people truly believed that it was a time when dead spirits would rise again, and walk among them. Back then, costumes acted as protection, not just an excuse to show off your Pinterest skills. Not much is known about the ancient holiday since there are no written records, though per Encyclopedia Britannica, it was a time fraught with danger, charged with fear, and full of supernatural episodes.
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